Machine configuration Compute Engine

Machine configuration Compute Engine


2 min read

Within your VM Machine configurations, there are properties such as processors, CPUs, memory, cores, or other main functions needed for VM server types.

We will talk about some important or more about these machine configurations in GCP.

Under Machine configuration, you have machine families which contain a different types of configurations for different needs or purposes. Some types are like:-

The machine family contains a group of machine types and machine series, under the machine family you have the following:-

General Purpose machine families are used for balanced workloads like your web applications which don't need much workload, if there is then comes Auto scaling which we will study at another time.

Now under General purpose, you have machine series which are:-

Machine series are used for different purposes according to our needs. By default, we get the E2 series which is used for balanced web-serving traffic, When we launch our first VM instances.

There are these different types of generations which are used for different options based on the requirement for VM instances like high-memory and standard purposes.

Machine Type is kind of like a range for your VCPU's and memory based on the requirement you can give the power to your server for example:-

NOTE:- these are part of the E2 series but there are more, I just gave this image just for an example.

Custom Machine type

This is a feature in which GCP gives you the option to customise your machine type.

Note:- You won't get this custom machine type in every machine series, currently it is available in general-purpose machine families now, But not in most series like T2A, T2D, etc.

Shared Core comes under machine type which is used for small workload purposes like lightweight applications or development and testing purposes for example chatbots and notification servers.

These shared core machine type shares vcpu's with other instances running on the same physical host machine.

We will talk about more machine families later on.

That's it, for now, we will continue further more in next blog.

Hope you liked it. Will see you on the next topic ๐Ÿ˜ƒ
