AWS Global Infrastructure (Edge Locations)

AWS Global Infrastructure (Edge Locations)


2 min read

Edge Locations

So, These are mainly used by AWS service called Amazon CloudFront which is mainly used for CDN purpose that is Content Delivery Network. There are 400+ Edge locations currently.


Amazon CloudFront uses these edge locations to deliver its content around the world. These edge locations contain caching content which helps users to get their content faster.

For instance, imagine that some visitors attempt to access the website from Mumbai (India). Therefore, that user will be directed to a site at the edge location that is closest to Mumbai, where cached content may be viewed more quickly without lag.

Similar to the last scenario, let's say a user from California wants to access a web service that is located in the Mumbai region. The user will be sent to the website's edge location in California which is closest to them, enabling quicker access.

Basically, In short, the edge locations will make sure that content reaches its destination faster.

Now you might get a question. Who are these Edge locations?

ISPs (Internet Service Providers) are to blame; these edge locations have agreements with ISPs like Airtel or any other ISP. In order to leverage AWS hardware, they employ Airtel datacenters.

Numerous large corporations, including Facebook, Amazon, Google, Netflix, and others, use CDNs or multiple CDNs.

That's it, for now, we will talk more about other topics in the next blog.

Hope you liked it. Will see on the next topic ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

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