What is AWS?


1 min read

What is AWS?

AWS stands for Amazon Web Service, This is the place which can be used for hosting web applications, storing files, Networking where you can provide your own IP address, and last but not least we can buy our own domain like (example.com).

For more deep Knowledge,

AWS provides on-demand servers, under that, there are other sub-criteria which we will talk about in the coming future blog. Just think that AWS is a place where you will get all features to host your website in a more secure way at a cheap cost.

AWS provides a lot of services for different use cases, some of them are listed below:

  • EC2(Elastic compute cloud):- In a simple way, we can call it a server where you will host your web applications.

  • RDS(Relational database service):- This is a back-end service where all your application info and other crucial details will be stored.

  • S3(Simple storage service):- It is a storage service that all kinds of files can store. With a more secure manner and very cheap cost.

So, these are some of the basic services offered by AWS, We will talk about more services with deep knowledge of those services.

Hope you find it more useful, See you again in upcoming blogs ๐Ÿ˜ƒ.

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